Basement Wall Repair | St Louis

Basement walls are an area of your home which may be vulnerable to many issues. These issues can stem from a number of sources. Water can get into your basement from a number of places. It could be from faulty plumbing or broken pipes, or it can be as a result of badly placed or broken downspouts. Cracks in your basement walls may be a sign of damage to your foundations or problems from water. If you notice a powdery substance on your walls, it is likely because of high humidity levels. High humidity can also lead to mold which can cause health issues for you and your family. If you suspect any problems with basement walls, please call us now.
Basement Wall Cracks
These can be signs of a minor or a major issue. If you do not have adequate drainage, then your soil may absorb large amounts of water and expand. When this happens, pressure is exerted on your walls leading to cracks. If damage is minor, then these can just be filled in but you may need to look at your drainage system too. Wall cracks in your basement may also be indicative of potentially more serious issues with your actual foundations. If you notice any cracks, then immediately call a professional service such as NG Foundation Repair of St. Louis.
Water, Moisture, and Humidity
Water and moisture are the two greatest enemies of your concrete walls and foundations. As well as cracks, there are a number of warning signs to look for that will tell you that you may need basement repair work in St Louis. If you notice any pooled water, mold, or damp patches, then there is probably a greater issue that needs investigating. High humidity levels are another warning sign, as are noticing a lot of insects as they are attracted to damp spaces. If you see any of these signs, call us immediately.
Bowed Walls
If you notice that your basement walls are showing signs of bowing, then you need urgent inspection and assessment. This can mean that your foundations may have major issues. Bowing can often occur before any cracks do, and as cracks can be as a result of varying factors, bowing walls is something that should never be ignored. Brick walls are as likely to suffer from bowing as a concrete wall. The worst case scenario is that your foundations may be failing so call us as soon as you notice any bowing at all.
Basement Leaks
Leaks can cause both structural damage if left unchecked as well as damage to any fixtures and furnishings you may have in your basement. The leak may be due to frozen, blocked, or broken pipes, to a failure in your plumbing system or with home appliances, a sump pump problem, or with groundwater gaining access to your basement space. If you cannot identify and fix the leak yourself, then immediately call our professional team.